Phone: +385-99-26-86 … Tunisia HE‐SMS‐T Incoming 2 720 9000 700 10420 Outgoing 2 720 7000 700 8420 HE‐STA‐T Incoming 1 530 1260 350 2140 Tunisia Totalt 5 1970 17260 1750 20980 Ukraine HE‐SMS‐T Incoming 8 2200 36000 2800 41000 HE‐STA‐T Outgoing 1 275 3024 350 3649 HE‐STT‐T Incoming 8 2200 20160 2800 25160 Ukraine Totalt 17 4675 59184 5950 69809 Staff mobility (STT, STA) Financial support for staff mobility for teaching or training within the Erasmus+ programme is based on the different living costs in the target countries. Standard daily rates apply to funding from German universities. ERASMUS+ BANDO MOBILITA’ DOCENTI/STA E STAFF/STT ANNO ACCADEMICO 2021/2022; Graduatoria Mobilità Erasmus+ Studenti 2019-2020; ERASMUS+ BANDO MOBILITA’ STUDENTI SMS-Traineeship ANNO ACCADEMICO 2019/2020; ERASMUS+ - BANDO MOBILITA' STAFF/STT DOCENTI/STA A.A. 2019/2020; Application form incoming Students; DOMANDA PER MOBILITA’ STUDENTI ERASMUS+ SMS - Student mobility for Studies; STA - Staff mobility for Acedemic Purposes; STT - Staff mobility for Training; Action Type KA107 - Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries. Call Year: 2019. Start of Project 01/08/2019 End of Project 31/07/2021.
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STT (Training mobility): Mobility Agreement STT Outgoing. Draft Grant Agreement STT Outgoing 2019 . Application Outgoing staff. Online Application for Outgoing staff.
The following are eligible for mobility through the LLP-ERASMUS Program: Study Abroad for Students (SMS) Internships for Students (SMP) Visiting lecturer (STA) Mobility of Staff (STT) Intensive Programs (IP) Erasmus institutional coordinator Ms. Mari Lauri +358 50 448 9819 Erasmus SMS student exchanges +358 2941 22401 Erasmus STA teacher and STT staff exchanges +358 50 448 9840 APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR INCOMING STUDENTS STA (Teaching mobility): Mobility Agreement STA Outgoing. Draft Grant Agreement STA Outgoing 2018. Draft Grant Agreement STA Outgoing 2019 . STT (Training mobility): Mobility Agreement STT Outgoing.
E. Das ERASMUS-Programm fördert grenzüberschreitende Mobilitäten und Alle zur Beantragung notwendigen Vorlagen finden Sie im Downloadbereich rechts unter "Auslandsstudium SMS".
19 - 67549 Worms: Ireland: Letterkenny Institute of Technology SMS STA STT…
Support is available to students for mandatory and voluntary placements of between two and twelve months, in the form of a monthly grant. Placements can be self-standing or undertaken in combination with an Erasmus+ study visit. Further information on grants is available from the information events or directly from the International Office. country sms sta stt smp total albania 3 2 2 2 11 armenia 1 1 7 bosnia and herzegovina 2 3 1 0 10 belarus 0 0 1 5 kazakhstan 1 0 1 4 morocco 1 1 1 10 palestine 2 1 10 tunisia 1 9 ukraina 1 1 4 uzbekistan 0 2 3 vietnam 1 0 0 2 kosovo 2 8 deadline for mobilities - july 31, 2020 israel 2 2 2 8 moldova (republic of) 1 1 5 algeria 2 1 7 somalia 2 1 7
Erasmus SMS student exchanges +358 2941 22401 Erasmus STA teacher and STT staff exchanges +358 50 448 9840 APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR INCOMING STUDENTS Nominations You can nominate students starting from 1 …
SMS/SMT: bis Sommer/Herbst 2021; STA/STT: bis Mai 2022; Über die Teilnahme an der nächsten Erasmus+ Programmgeneration (2021-28) gibt es noch keine Informationen
Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignment (STA) Erasmus+ supports guest lectureships at European partner institutions. The aim of Staff Mobility is amongst other things to provide teaching content to students at partner institutions who are not able or do not wish to go abroad, and thereby supplement the teaching offered by the partner institution. Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training (STT) Erasmus+ provides the opportunity to take part in advanced training and professional development programmes to further internationalisation. Personnel of German universities with a valid ECHE can receive funding for visiting either a foreign university with ECHE or another foreign facility/institution that is active in the field of general or vocational education.
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Rezultati Natječaja 2017-KA107-STA … Staff mobility (STT, STA) Financial support for staff mobility for teaching or training within the Erasmus+ programme is based on the different living costs in the target countries. Standard daily rates apply to funding from German universities. Erasmus Kodu Üniversite Başlangıç Yılı Bitiş Yılı SMS SMP STA STT Detaylar Harita Ön Lisans Top lam/K n Lisans Top lam/K n Yüksek Lisans Top lam/K n Doktora Top lam/K n Ön Lisans Lisans Yüksek Lisans Doktora 1 Eczacılık Fakültesi Eczacılık Çek Cumhuriyeti Brno CZ BRNO06 University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in ERASMUS + Programme (2014-2020) The ERASMUS + program is dedicated to individual student and academic staff mobility, interinstitutional cooperation and exchange of best practices at international level, and support for institutional policy reforms. Izjava – STA – STT – 2016-2017 Pretekli razpisi Pretekle razpise najdete v arhivu fakultete, v mednarodni pisarni Evropske pravne fakultete Nove univerze.
In the years 2007 SMS, and student training mobility - STM (the former edition, Socrates-Erasmus did not include training mobility). SMS SMP STA STT 2007/2008 323 6 31 1 2008/2009 347 6 40 9 2009/2010 352 6 32 1 2010/2011 300 11 31 12 2011/2012 332
SMS SMP STA STT SMS (Student Mobility for Studies) 41597 15719 14146 4990 1095 413 2158 789 1393 338 1460 366 2854 704 1062 376 8143 2993 5791 1888 18406 6761 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 x 3000 x 1500 x 500 x 500 22887 Erasmus-Port -- …
(SMS:1st 2nd STA STT)- available; however not applicable ISCED: 0421 Law*(SMS: 1st 2nd 3rd;STA;STT)-available; however no Law program at Partner university Poland Jan Dlugoz University in Czestocho wa PL CZEST OC02 Humanitie s and Social Sciences Philosophy (ISCED 0223) SMS: 1st 2nd SMT STA STT EN-B2 EN-B2 2019-2022 SMS quota: 2 students x 5 months
Înscrierile Erasmus Plus se fac pe toată perioada anului universitar ținându-se cont de următoarele date limită: Mobilități pentru studii (SMS) - mobilități care se vor desfășura în primul semestru al anului universitar următor. 1 STT 1 STA, 1 STT 1 STT
ERASMUS KOOD/ ERASMUS CODE: RIIK /COUNTRY. Kehtiv kuni/ Valid thru: KOOL/SCHOOL (webpage) ISCED kood koostööks/ ISCED code for cooperation: SMS - õpingud/studies SMS: BA, MA: 15.03: STA, STT (to be decided) 2-5 days: 67. 65: D MUNSTER01. Germany: 2020: …
Erasmus + KA107 in short Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears 2016-2018 Erasmus+ KA107 · EU partner countries Incoming Outgoing SMS SMP STA STT SMS SMP STA STT 2016-2017 --- --- 3 2 -----2017-2018 --- --- 2 1 -----2---2016-2018, 2 countries & 2 higher education institutions
After reading the information below, if you have questions contact us by e-email, phone or personally (from 10-16h) at our International Office (Jordanovac 110, Zagreb, FFDI building_basement): Erasmus+ coordinator: Amal Mali.
E-mail: SMS - OUT SMS - IN STA - OUT STA - IN STT - OUT STT - IN. E JAEN01 Universidad de Jaén 2 10 I 2 10 I 1 5 1 5 2014/2021 Acordos Erasmus_2021.xlsx Author + Student mobility (SMS) + Teacher mobility (STA) + Staff mobility (STT) The EU programme ERASMUS is an acronym for the "European Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students" and its major goal is to promote student and teacher mobility. Study Abroad for Students (SMS) Internships for Students (SMP) Visiting lecturer (STA) Mobility of Staff (STT) Intensive Programs (IP) Preparatory Visits (PV) Students from non-EU countries can participate in the ERASMUS program, provided they are enrolled at a university in a EU member state and regularly attend all their studies there. Teachers and other employees must be employed at a university in a EU member state to participate in the program. International Office: Student Mobility for Studies (SMS) Application and preparation . IMPORTANT: There is only ever a single (!) application window for the forthcoming academic year – so this relates to study visits both in the winter semester and in the following summer semester!
etapa I - 22 februarie a.c. Wyjazdy dydaktyczne (STA) Wyjazdy szkoleniowe (STT) Wyjazdy szkoleniowe Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020. Kontakt
Erasmus + KA107 in short Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears 2016-2018 Erasmus+ KA107 · EU partner countries Incoming Outgoing SMS SMP STA STT SMS SMP STA STT 2016-2017 --- --- 3 2 -----2017-2018 --- --- 2 1 -----2---2016-2018, 2 countries & 2 higher education institutions
Field AM in SMS-SMP template – Receiving Partner Email is no longer mandatory 7 Field AQ in STA-STT template - Receiving Partner Erasmus Code is now a mandatory field 12 Field AN in IP – Coordinating Partner Erasmus Code is now a mandatory field 17 Entry for NFP-NETSTAT added in Type of Organisation table 75
Tunisia HE‐SMS‐T Incoming 2 720 9000 700 10420 Outgoing 2 720 7000 700 8420 HE‐STA‐T Incoming 1 530 1260 350 2140 Tunisia Totalt 5 1970 17260 1750 20980 Ukraine HE‐SMS‐T Incoming 8 2200 36000 2800 41000 HE‐STA‐T Outgoing 1 275 3024 350 3649 HE‐STT‐T Incoming 8 2200 20160 2800 25160 Ukraine Totalt 17 4675 59184 5950 69809
15.10. 2013 LLP-ERASMUS Abschlussbericht 2012/13 (SMS, STA, STT) Stabsstelle Göttingen International 30.10.2013 EILC-Bewerbungsschluss für Kurse, die 2014 beginnen (SMS) Fakultäten (Programmbeauftragte)
Dział Spraw Międzynarodowych (osoba kontaktowa dla wyjazdów STT) w terminie 7 dni od otrzymania protokołu, weryfikuje poprawność protokołu i zgodność treści Mobility Agreement- Staff Mobility for Training z zasadami określonymi w przewodniku po programie Erasmus + i wytycznymi FRSE i przyjmuje lub odsyła protokół przewodniczącemu komisji wydziałowej do korekty. -SMS/STA/STT - Ammissibilità * La durata minima di un periodo di studio è di 3 mesi o 1 trimestre accademico. Nel MT+ il più breve periodo di studio è calcolato a 58 giorni. ** Minimo 8 ore di docenza a settimana o nel periodo minimo ammissibile.
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Competition_STT STT STA EN-B1 EN-B2 2016-2022 https://ww en/page/era smus Portugal Universida de da Beira Interior P COVILHA 01 Political Science nd Internation al Relations SMS:1st 2 STA STT STA EN-B1 EN-B2 2016-2022 https://ww en/page/era smus Slovakia Technical University of Kosice SK KOSICE03 Political Science nd Economics SMS:1st 2 STA Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignment (STA) Erasmus+ supports guest lectureships at European partner institutions. The aim of Staff Mobility is amongst other things to provide teaching content to students at partner institutions who are not able or do not wish to go abroad, and thereby supplement the teaching offered by the partner institution.
Rezultati Natječaja 2017-KA107-STA … Erasmus dotacija pri STA in STT znaša 80% upravičenih stroškov (dnevnice, prevoz in nastanitev) do višine 500€. Dotacija se na članico nakaže po zaključeni mobilnosti in predloženi dokumentaciji o izvedeni mobilnosti ( poročilo, potrdilo in kopija zaključenega potnega naloga z računi). Erasmus Kodu Üniversite Başlangıç Yılı Bitiş Yılı SMS SMP STA STT Detaylar Harita Ön Lisans Top lam/K n Lisans Top lam/K n Yüksek Lisans Top lam/K n Doktora Top lam/K n Ön Lisans Lisans Yüksek Lisans Doktora 1 Eczacılık Fakültesi Eczacılık Çek Cumhuriyeti Brno CZ BRNO06 University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in ERASMUS + Programme (2014-2020) The ERASMUS + program is dedicated to individual student and academic staff mobility, interinstitutional cooperation and exchange of best practices at international level, and support for institutional policy reforms. Erasmus+ is a Programme its main objective is to support the creation of a European Area of Higher Education and reinforce the contribution of Higher and Vocational Education to advance the innovation process.. Through the Erasmus+ Programme, the Higher Education Institutions can offer to its students, teachers and administrative staff a period of studies or work experience, education or Izjava – STA – STT – 2016-2017 Pretekli razpisi Pretekle razpise najdete v arhivu fakultete, v mednarodni pisarni Evropske pravne fakultete Nove univerze.
Agreed contingent Valid until SMS. 2. SMT. 3. STA. 4.